Murmur 68 : Jock "A Fistful of Mondo"

SUBJECT : MONDO There is a word that signifies a perpetual state of fandom.  A state that artists never surrender to, no matter how accomplished or revered their work.  The word... Mondo.  Edison, Welles, Kubrick were Mondo; so was Picasso.  Jock is a modern master of this über-genre; an artist whose singular DNA can be seen in his best-selling posters for Carpenter’s “The Thing”, Del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” & Deodato’s “Cannibal Holocaust”; as well as in Ava/"Ex Machina" and an Aurebesh Easter Egg he left for his son in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” (a small, indie film in which Jock served as Costume Concept Artist.)